3 reasons to Look Beyond the Scales (in peri menopause)

We’re women so we have had body image shoved down our throats since birth. We’ve been surrounded by magazines, TV shows, comments from loved ones AND strangers, images, subtle references and school yard bullying that ALL relate to our weight. Of course, we get to our 40’s notice our jeans don’t do up and start to panic! No surprises there! But I want you start thinking about this differently. What if you couldn’t see yourself or your scales and all your clothes were comfy. What else is bothering you? What else is causing concern? Do you feel exhausted and want more energy? Would you like to sleep better or is your anxiety starting to take over your life? Are you struggling with overwhelm as work and family demand more of you? Are you finding your digestion isn’t great or maybe you are just constantly hangry? Perhaps you have noticed allergies worsening….aren’t all these things just as important as your weight?

I think I’ve asked enough questions for now haha! Time I gave you some answers! Here’s 3 reasons to look beyond the scales!

1.       The weight is the symptom not the problem. This, this and THIS! Chances are stress, peri menopause, emotions, trauma response, insulin resistance, poor sleep and chronic lack of selfcare have led to you gaining weight. If your only goal is to lose weight, well, there are a million truly unhealthy ways you can do that. And they all end with you putting it straight back on (and maybe some more).

2.       Weight can be fickle. If you only focus on the scales you will end up demoralised and demotivated. There is much more going on here than your weight. Weight can vary up to 2kg from morning to night. It can go up when you are about to get your period or when you start building muscle. Weight is a fickle beast so if losing weight is the sole focus of your health goals then think again!

3.       You are more than your weight. You are incredible, amazing and deserve to be recognised as a whole person! Your weight is not who you are, it should not dictate your self-worth. It should not dictate whether you have a great day or an average day or feel like a million bucks or something you just scrapped off your shoe.

I’m not ignoring the health factors. Obviously, weight is connected to a number of health issues including insulin resistance, T2 diabetes and heart disease. And I absolutely understand that your weight can totally destroy your self-confidence. So sure it’s something to consider for your physical and mental health. But don’t make it all about weight because you deserve to feel fabulous not just look it! You deserve to feel great and keep feeling great!

Here's to having a wonderful sparkling future!


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