Feeling powerless to control your weight?  

What if you could take control of your health AND lose weight in the span of just 12 weeks?

There is a way to feel amazing….

What if, in 3 months or less, you were finally fitting back into your jeans, waking refreshed and having the energy you thought was a distant memory?

Imagine no longer feeling at the mercy of cravings, stress and exhaustion!

The answer is simple! AND you don’t have to search or use trial and error to find it!

  • You have no idea which foods to eat

  • You are totally overwhelmed with all diet information out there

  • You are too busy and tired to make a plan of action let alone stick to it

  • You’ve tried everything all the diets, fasting, exercises but nothing works and nothing sticks

  • Your doctor wants to put you on statins or metformin or Ozempic or is suggesting surgery. You feel like you are out of options

  • You just want someone to hand you a tried and tested method

  • You are overwhelmed, overweight and over it!

Here's the problem:

Want Energy and Enthusiasm for Life Again?


  • Knowing EXACTLY what to eat to feel incredible

  • Fitting into your favourite clothes again

  • Feeling calm, centred, more balanced and clear-headed

  • Not stressing about jean or swimwear shopping

  • Having the energy to have fun again!

  • Waking up excited for the new day

  • Knowing that you can continue feeling like this!

If you want to learn how to turn your health around AND lose weight I have something for you...


Metabolic Magic

The unicorn program you’ve been looking for!

A 12-week program where science meets magic to help you lose weight and turn your health around!

Check out the incredible inclusions! 

A Deep Dive into Your Health

No guesswork here!

A comprehensive initial consult gathers all your health information AND testing is organised so we can focus directly to your exacting health needs. 

Personalised nutrition plan (and prescription)

This makes all the difference!

A personalised Metabolic Balance plan based on all the information we gathered at your initial health assessment.

Plan to succeed!  

A Stress Proof You!

Create stress resilience and a mindset that make you bomb proof!

We can't always remove the stress in our lives but we can create stress resilience! Learn to create that much needed stress resilience which includes a good nights sleep zzzzzz.....

Get your mindset on track

Shift your mindset for success

Your mind is a powerful organ and by understanding where it’s at and how it can help or hinder you we can keep those thoughts and habits on track to success.

Support, support, support!


This is a stand out feature that is missing form almost every other solution! With the right support and encouragement you can move mountains…well bellies at least.

Learn how to maintain your achievements

This is for the long term baby!

Metabolic Magic and Metabolic Balance are not just some 3 month affair.  You get the tools to continue feeling amazing and the coaching to segway your new found habits and learnings into everyday life.

Energy, enthusiasm, stress resilience and


What Makes This Program Different To All the Other Things I’ve Tried?


This is an individualised program, designed for you to get optimal results which none of the generic, one-size fits-all programs are.

Your health and pathology are like finger prints- unique! So why settle for anything less than an individualised solution? 

Metabolic Balance is the core of Metabolic Magic and it demands individualisation! 


Support is key to your success!

With 7 x individual sessions over 12 weeks, weekly content drops with videos, templates and e-books you get all the support you need to change the direction of your health.

You don't get that with the latest fad diet or shake program!


A straight up, qualified nutritionist who can answer your questions.

No nonsensical food fads, no weekend qualifications or sales people. The advice you get comes from a qualified Nutritionist and Natural Health Practitioner. 

There's a LOT of unqualified advice online- and I mean a LOT! 

“Feeling so much better…”

"Even with my busy schedule working 6 to 6 everyday I have found cooking so easy . I have been on the program about 6 weeks. Feeling so much better, no pains in the joints and added bonus of losing 6kg.  So much energy as well. "


“It is changing my life…”

"Highly recommend Metabolic Balance and Sarah Dobbs. It is changing my life in the most positive ,real,sustainable and achievable ways."


Are You Ready To Feel Fabulous Again?

Metabolic Magic has EVERYTHING you need!

  • The BIG Health Check

An initial consult (the first of 7x1:1 consults) to gather all your information. Pathology is ordered (and included in this consult) so you get the absolute gold standard, individualised plan created.

  • Fine Tuning Consults

There are 4 of these 1:1 consults that fine tune what you are doing. You can ask any of those questions you have or share the struggles or the wins in this session. These consults leave you feeling empowered!

  • Starter Kit

The Starter kit is sent express post as soon as your Metabolic Balance program is done! It includes everything you need to get started on your journey! 

  • Metabolic Balance Plan

This is German engineering for the body! It began in Germany over 20 years ago and it's success is now known across the world. Nutrition should form the basis of ANY health solution. This ensures your nutrition is individualised and optimal for you. 

  • 12 weeks of content drops

These will transform you from surviving to thriving! Everything from stress resilience to maintenance is covered in these modules including many on demand videos, hand outs and beautiful templates.

  • Comprehensive Blood Test

This covers an enormous number of tests including liver enzymes, full iron status, comprehensive thyroid panel, basic kidney function, white and red blood cell counts, vitamin D, digestive function and blood glucose. There's more but that's the basics! 

  • An opportunity of a lifetime

You get the chance to turn your health around. To go from feeling exhausted, overweight and overwhelmed to living a life full of energy and joy. This is the change you need!

  • Plan Discovery

    A second 1:1 consult to go through your personal plan to make sure you are ready to start! We'll go through everything you need to know to get started!

  • The Finale

    A final 1:1 consult to make sure that you are ready for the next stage of the journey as you venture out into the rest or your life!

Change your future


watch your body transform in just 12-weeks

“An amazing journey…”

“I’ve lost 3kg, tummy bloat is gone…”

‘I wanted to thank you for an amazing journey.  I will always have this guide to help me when I need it and it’s been such a supportive group.’

Leah L.

‘It’s my 40th in a couple of weeks and I decided I wanted to look extra Fabulous… I’ve lost 3kg, tummy bloat is gone, skin is clear and I’m sleeping sooooooo good’

Jade F.

Want to know more?

Click below to get the FULL low down on Metabolic Magic

Did I Mention the Bonuses?

Whoops! My bad! But there are bonuses and they are massive!

  • BONUS ONE: There’s an app!

    There’s a Metabolic Balance app you will get log in details for. This app has your complete plan on it that goes with you anywhere! It’s invaluable!

  • BONUS TWO: Meditations

Meditation module includes a meditation to sleep, to calm the farm when anxiety hits, to deal with the overwhelm of a HUGE to-do list and to visualise the future.

  • BONUS THREE: An Affirmation a Day

84 affirmations! I know. That's a lot! But it's one for every day. You can mix and match, skip, repeat but there is more than enough positivity to get you through at least 3 months.

  • BONUS FOUR: Access to a private FaceBook recipe group

    This is incredibly useful as the people on it are doing, or have done Metabolic Balance all across Australia! It’s only for sharing recipes but the inspiration is never ending as people are doing incredibly things with foods they never ate before!

No problem! I hear you. Just click the button above. There’s more info in there too!

Hi! I'm Sarah

...and just a couple of years ago, I was overwhelmed, overweight and over it! 

About 3 years ago I weighed over 100kg, was totally exhausted all the time, foggy brained, and couldn't get my fav jeans past my knees. I was early 40's and peri menopause was breathing down my neck with middle age acne, insomnia, heavy and painful periods that were downright weird. I had 4 kids, a full time business, a crazy study load and totally no energy for anything except the basic task of existing. In a nutshell- miserable.

What did I do to turn it all around? I got totally honest with myself first up. Whatever I was doing wasn't working. I had tried every diet going (paleo, keto, fasting, food combining, crazy grapefruit diets, blood type and on and on). I had exercised my self into delirium but that wasn't sustainable or fun. So I investigated personalised nutrition. I looked at what I could do to set myself up for success, I looked at what was sustainable and then I gave myself permission to prioritise myself!


  • As much as you want!

    The program is 3 months long with 12 weekly 1 hour calls. There are 3 x1:1 consults (initial is1.5 and 2x follow ups 45min) in the first month.

    The food prep is as complicated or as simple as you like! This time of life is busy and we have a lot to fit in so many women on the program keep the food simple.

    It takes more time the beginning as you get into the rhythm of doing something for yourself but it blends in with your lifestyle after the first 2-4 weeks.

    We step you through how to plan and prep to help you get the most out of your time.

  • How old are your kids?

    So long as they aren't breastfeeding or you're pregnant then you are good to start! You will be modelling fantastic nutrition to your kids as well as modelling looking after yourself

    I also understand that having smaller children is draining but to be honest, I wish I had done this when my kids were little. The extra effort then would of paid off with mum having more energy, better cycles, less irritable, sleeping better AND modelling looking after herself.

  • Yes, generally!

    Obviously it depends on the pcific condition but typically most metabolic type disorders improve greatly on Metabolic Balance. Eating the right food can reduce inflammation, regulate blood sugars, support cognition, improve skin integrity, support healthy organ function like thyroid, heart and liver.

    Food is powerful stuff!

  • No problem! You can make meals as easy or as complicated as you like. Don’t like the kitchen? Keep your food simple. You are in the drivers seat here! Plenty of people find their joy of food and cooking is reignited with the simplicity of the plan.

  • Nope. Not a diet.

    This is a tough one to get your head around I know, as we see any sign of restriction in our 'diet' as a 'diet'. But it's not about that. It's about gaining long term health in a sustainable way. You weigh food in the beginning simply to get the portion and ratios of protein to carbs right. Then we move to eyeballing and eventually you will know which foods are fabulous for you, which are just ok and those that really don't suit you at all and life becomes a lot less restrictive.

    Any transformation requires change. If you are having health issues then you need to change one way or the other. You could go on some crazy internet diet where you cut out major food groups, have little to no support, is impossible to sustain long term OR you can do something like this that is personalised, well balanced, based on wholefoods, fully supported by a professional nutritionist, totally sustainable long term because you've relearnt how to eat AND results in a healthier you all round.

    Bonus is modelling healthier habits to your kids and showing them the importance of looking after yourself.

Yup! Just book a Metabolic Mapping session and ask away!

This Program Is Perfect For You If...

  • You are ready to embrace life

This unicorn of a program is magically life changing! It takes you from feeling despondent and despairing to achieving your goals steadily with purpose. And then gives you the tools to keep it up long term.

  • You are struggling with your weight

Then this is for you! This takes the confusion out of food cause lets face it, there's lots of dodgy info out there on the internet! Cut through the rubbish to a plan that is personalised and just for you

  • If you are totally over it all and ready to hide in a cave....

If you've tried everything, are totally exhausted and overwhelmed by it. If you are totally despairing that you will ever get better or lose weight and you've resigned yourself to feeling exhausted for the rest of your life...think again!


  • If you are unwilling to change

‘If you always do what you’ve always done, you’ll always get what you always got’. What is being offered is a chance to change your life but you won’t get that doing the same old same old!

  • If you are looking for a magic pill

This might be called Metabolic Magic but there are no magic pills here. You need to embrace the change, do the work and then you get to reap the benefits. Magic pills don’t last the distance- you need to keep taking them! This program is all about sustainable change.

  • If you are totally happy with your weight, your health, your life….

This is fantastic! I'm really glad you're doing well and happy in life! You don't need me but maybe you know people who do. Please let them know!


Book in Your Free Metabolic Mapping Session

We can discuss where you are right now, where you want to be AND the fastest way to get you there.

Quick recap!

Apply below for The Sparkle Method and you will receive:

  • 12 weeks of content drops

  • Access to videos, templates and e-books to help you on your journey

  • The Finale- a last consult to make sure you maintain your success!

  • BIG Health Check

  • Comprehensive Blood Test

  • Metabolic Balance Plan

  • Starter kit

  • Plan Discovery consult

  • 4 Fine Tuning Consults


  • An exclusive Metabolic Balance app with your entire plan on it along with a hard copy

  • Meditations for any occasion

  • An Affirmation a Day

  • Access to a Metabolic Balance specific Face Book recipe group to get all the inspiration you need for your unique plan

You can take control of your health AND lose weight in the span of just 12 weeks

I want to take advantage AND transform my life NOW!

(health fund rebates may apply, please contact your health fund)


You've Read This Far, Looks Like There's Something You Still Need Answered....

Book a Metabolic Mapping session by clicking the button below.

We can see where you are right now, where you want to be AND the quickest path to get there!