2 Homeopathic Remedies For Burnt Out Mothers

Mothering is hard, demanding and exhausting! It’s little wonder we often feel overwhelmed and burnt out. I figured I’d have a few grateful albeit sleep deprived mamma’s out there if I had a little chat about 2 remedies I frequently give in clinic to mothers. It takes a village to raise a child but in the absence of that village women have been left high and dry and exhausted. These remedies won’t help your partner put his dirty work clothes in the washing basket or stop your kids from trying to kill each other but they may help you see them through a different lens and give you the boost you need to keep on keeping on.

The first is Cocculus indicus. This nifty little remedy is used for jet lag and motion sickness as well as exhaustion from night watching aka looking after small children who wake frequently or even sick loved ones. Let me know if you recognise this! Your head feels heavy and sluggish like you’re wading through soup to think but you also can’t handle contradiction (small kids are great at that!). You might feel nauseas or lacking appetite you are so tired. Maybe even slightly delirious or just a little dizzy or lightheaded. But you still worry and care deeply for your tiny charges maybe even feel anxious about their health. And throughout you just feel drowsy. Well, that’s Cocculus in a nutshell! Is there more too it? Of course! It’s homeopathy but that’s enough to know if you need it acutely.

The second remedy is Sepia. I’ve heard this given to women who are like mother Teresa themselves until their partner upsets them with something trivial then they are like a black witch unleashed. It’s potentised squid ink and they will aim their black ink at their nearest and dearest for not much more than leaving a dish in the sink (ok yes, I do understand how irritating that is lol). But this is typical of Sepia! Predominantly a female remedy, she will feel terribly irritable, worse before her period and indifferent to her loved ones. And that is a key feature. They will have a serious aversion to their loved ones. They are overwhelmed, over touched, and over their family. Often their lower back aches. But they do love dancing and feel better for it! That and a little nap.

Did you recognise yourself in one of these? Then maybe you need to try one. Remember, I’m talking about acute uses only. There is a lot more to homeopathic remedies then their acute usage but this is a good starting point.

If your symptoms aren’t alleviated by these or seem more complex then book an appointment and I can help you get to the bottom of it. 


Information given here is in no way intended to take the place of advice from your chosen healthcare professional or specialist. Any examples given from the authors life do not indicate that the remedy in question will work for everyone in every instance. They are used solely to illustrate the use the medicine in a practical situation.

Always seek medical advice in emergencies.


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