Why Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA)?

Little known fact- I LOVE THESE TESTS! The sheer volume of information is invaluable but it's incredibly cost effect too. I use it effectively for so many clients including mental health concerns, ADHD, ASD, allergies, unexplained symptoms….

Let's take a better look at what it is, what it can tell us and why that's important. First up, it's usually a sample of hair taken close to the scalp as possible. Most often from the nape so it's not obvious. If you don't have head hair we can use other hair (yes, yes sometimes pubic haha) but head hair is totally preferable for a number of reasons. NOT what you're thinking! Mind out the gutter! Different hair grows at different rates so it's not always the most accurate way to do this. That hair is sent to a lab and analysed for an enormous number of both minerals and heavy metals. 

Once it comes back I can see what we are looking at and often it’s not the first glance that’s telling. There’s the obvious heavy metals but the interpretation of nutritional ratios is what’s really telling. Is there enough calcium to displace the lead or enough copper to zinc or enough molybdenum to even have enough zinc….it goes on and on as each of those imbalanced ratios indicate a susceptibility to certain symptoms.


  • mineral deficiencies and excesses

  • heavy metal toxicity

  • metabolic rate (cellular metabolism)

  • compromised immunity

  • susceptibility to mental health issues/factors influencing mental health

  • nervous system imbalance

  • liver and kidney stress

  • insulin resistance and a susceptibility to diabetes

  • why your energy levels are low

  • thyroid dysfunction potential


  • It’s non invasive! Hair is collected from the head- just cut, not pulled out!

  • Hair analysis is exceptionally cost effective compared to other testing.

  • Hair analysis can also create a clearer picture of what further specific testing needs to be done- no more guess work.

  • Our body seeks to sequester anything toxic or in excess from our blood quite quickly to store in our tissues making tissue analysis a valuable tool for long term or historical exposure to heavy metals.

  • It creates a clear visual picture for clients with an aesthetically pleasing and easy to read set of graphs.

  • Hair testing reveals key information about your level of metabolic activity.

  • Hair provides a record of past as well as present trace element levels, i.e. biological activity.

  • Hair is invaluable in the assessment of toxic metal levels.

  • Hair testing measures mineral imbalances that can directly affect related vitamin activity.

  • It allows clients to be proactive as it highlights what they may be susceptible to e.g. thyroid concerns, bone issues, stress, diabetes etc.

If you are concerned about your health and struggling to get answers or want to get to the bottom of things instead of just using one more band aid fix then what are you waiting for? Book in! Let’s get an HTMA done and go from there!

Knowledge is never wasted and who knows? You might find some explanations for your troubles.


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