Fix Your Metabolic Weight Gain

Ok so I admit…that was just to get your attention! But you’re here! And I do want to talk about your metabolism and your weight!  But I want to help you understand what metabolism is and, why it effects your weight.  And that means you would be struggling to lose or gain weight! And no, it’s not only about fast or slow metabolism and it’s not a done deal AND the solution isn’t complicated. You can get your metabolism working optimally again. It’s about balance!

Metabolism very broadly refers to the chemical processes in the body that allow us to utilise nutrients in order to make and regulate energy, hormones, neurotransmitters, get rid of waste and generally help us maintain balance in our bodies. When any of the necessary nutrients are lacking our metabolism doesn’t have what it needs to perform these functions. That is when we start to see symptoms of fatigue, temperature dysregulation, hormonal mayhem, insulin resistance, weight gain/loss, skin/hair changes, changes in bowel movements, nausea vomiting, muscle weakness, cholesterol issues, high/low blood pressure…see how weight is just one marker?  

All of these things occur because something is out of whack with our metabolism and one can affect the other. For example, hormonal dysregulation can lead to weight gain, changes in bowel movement can be an issue for cholesterol and hormonal balance, insulin resistance can have a knock on effect to fatigue so on and so on. They are all interconnected in some way. And yes, I am keeping it simple otherwise we’d be here all day lol!

Having said that, there is a very specific set of symptoms that are termed Metabolic Syndrome. Waist circumference, insulin resistance or type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure and low good cholesterol with high triglycerides are all markers for this syndrome.  But all of these are a result of a dysfunctional metabolism NOT simply weight gain. Does that make sense?

The upshot here, and I hope you are following along, is that in order to lose weight we need to focus on giving our metabolism the nutrients it needs so it can function optimally, so it can create and regulate energy, build the muscle, regulate hormones and neurotransmitters, get rid of waste and maintain balance in the body! Only then will we lose the weight.

Right now, you are probably saying ‘well great but how do I fix this? Nothing I have tried has worked and it’s all hard to stick to.’  Surprise, surprise I do have the answer lol! If you are ready to address the real cause of your health problems with whole food, minimal or no supplements and a few simple lifestyle hacks then please click here to check out my program Metabolic Magic. At its core is the internationally renowned Metabolic Balance program which does just what the name suggests.

I know that I can help. In fact, I would love to help! I’ve helped MANY clients get their metabolism back on track. You can read their comments for yourself at the link!



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