3 Weight-Loss Mistakes Peri-Menopausal Women Make
As a natural health practitioner, I love helping peri menopausal women to create a peri menopause where they feel fabulous in their own skin. This often includes losing a few kilos. And I hear a lot of stories from my clients about what they have been doing to try to solve their weight issues by themselves… and while I am happy that they’ve been so proactive, sometimes what they’ve been doing is at best useless and at worst detrimental to their hormones and weight!
And so today I wanted to share with you 3 of the most common mistakes I see peri menopausal women making so that you can avoid this! And, I will also share what you can try instead.
If you’re a peri menopausal woman really struggling with your weight then read on because these are 3 mistakes you do not want to be making!
MISTAKE #1: Focussing on the weight and only the weight
Your body weight is a symptom. If we focus on the weight alone, we will never address the real reason we are struggling with weight which, in peri menopause, is more likely to be hormones, stress or thyroid coupled with a lifetime of dieting that has left us with some very ‘interesting’ thoughts about food!
Focussing on the weight alone leaves our emotions anchored to the figure on the scales! We are more than the number on the scales. There’s a whole person there that matters! We forget that other things in life that are important like energy, sleep, comfort, libido, stable mood, health (health, health lol). All the things peri menopause can try to rob us of. Believe me, put more attention on the cause than the symptom and the scales will follow!
What you can try instead:
Instead of looking at new drugs, surgeries or fad diets to alter the scales get a full health assessment. Go and speak to your chosen health practitioner and get their opinion. Maybe get some testing done.
Consider your age and other symptoms you are experiencing and see yourself as a whole NOT just a number on the scale. Could it be peri menopause? Are you super stressed or busy? Do you have known thyroid issues? Have you simply stopped putting yourself on the priority list?
These things are not a block to losing weight, they are just a speed bump. And ones that we identify AND address through The Sparkle Method using Metabolic Balance.
MISTAKE #2: Not eating enough or regularly enough
Huge mistake! I regularly see women who are shocked at the amount I ask them to eat, and then go on to feel fabulous AND lose weight.
Not eating enough, or regularly enough, stresses out your body that raises cortisol to make sure you stay in flight and fight. Cortisol causes the body to hold onto the weight or even lay down more- usually around the belly. It also causes blood sugar level fluctuations that can cause a dysregulated mood. What do I mean? I mean it will cause you to be more irritable, more tired and craving all sugary, carby foods that are energy rich but nutrient poor.
What you can try instead:
This is simple. Swap skipping meals, intermittent fasting, starvation diets and juice/water fasts for 3 solid meals a day. No snacks. In fact, I challenge you to eat 3 meals a day! You’ll kick the cravings, balance your blood sugar and moods, find more energy and enjoy life more! All of which will work toward helping you drop the figure on the scale.
If you want to step this up and learn what portions you need and the optimal foods for you as an individual then come join me on The Sparkle Method where I use the Metabolic Balance program to identify what you actually need.
MISTAKE #3: Ignoring stress
If I had a dollar for every woman who comes in and says ‘No, I’m not stressed’ while 2 min later telling me about their busy job, kids, husband/wife, aging parents and then saying that they don’t have time to make food for themselves or to exercise…all of which point to a stressful life. We may not consciously recognise the stress but our cells sure do!
What you can try instead:
I’m not going to tell you to quit your job or ignore your parenting duty. I will say create stress resilience. Get a good nights sleep, eat nutritious food over fast food, take the walk, do the meditation. But most of all put yourself on your priority list. Maybe not always first but sometimes first and ALWAYS on the priority list. You are worth the effort! I’m sure your family, friends and colleagues would agree and so should you!
Stress resilience has a whole section in The Sparkle Method! It’s that important!
Next steps?
So, now you know the 3 biggest mistakes that peri menopausal women make when it comes to weight loss. Are there any of these that you’ve perhaps already made? I made ALL of them before realising that I deserved an individual approach to my health.
The most important thing to remember is weight is only a symptom of what is going on for you. When we address the cause holistically you will find that life becomes sparkly and wonderful again…and you lose weight lol!
And remember, you are more than the number on the scale you beautiful human being!
If you would like my help to recreate your peri menopausal journey and lose some weight, then click the link below to book learn more about The Sparkle Method and book a free call Hormonal Helpline call.